Monday 12 March 2012

Athletics Marathon (Glycogen and "the wall")

Carbohydrates that a person eats are converted by the liver and muscles into glycogen for storage. Glycogen burns rapidly to provide quick energy. Runners can store about 8 MJ or 2,000 kcal worth of glycogen in their bodies, enough for about 30 km/18–20 miles of running.
 Many runners report that running becomes noticeably more difficult at that point. When glycogen runs low, the body must then obtain energy by burning stored fat, which does not burn as readily. When this happens, the runner will experience dramatic fatigue and is said to "hit the wall". The aim of training for the marathon, according to many coaches, is to maximize the limited glycogen available so that the fatigue of the "wall" is not as dramatic. This is accomplished in part by utilizing a higher percentage of energy from burned fat even during the early phase of the race, thus conserving glycogen.
The only point which is trustable for purchasing of Olympic Athletics Marathon Tickets is Sport Ticket Exchange. You can buy Olympic Tickets especially Olympic Athletics Marathon Tickets from Sport Ticket Exchange at cheap rates.

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